The Histories of Mexico

Supplemental Info: Ep 2 - Teosinte to Maize Evolution

Illustration of the evolution of maize. Source: ScienceMag

Here we can see a rough timeline for the evolution of Maize

Photo credit to Madec, Simon. (2019). Phenotyping wheat structural traits from millimetric resolution RGB imagery in field conditions. 


Possible evolution of the ear from teosinte to maize (source: J.A.S. Hernandez, 2009)

A visualization of the physical changes undergone by the Teosinte as it transitioned into the Maize we know in modern times.

Photo credit to Andjelkovic, Violeta. (2016). Maize Genetic Resource .indd. 



"Morphology of teosinte and maize. Differences in plant morphology between teosinte and maize are highlighted in A, while differences in ear morphology are shown in B. Teosinte plant has many branches with multiple ears on each branch and tassel at the tip of the branch; maize plant has few branches with a single ear on each branch and ear at the tip of the branch. Teosinte ear has few grains enclosed in fruit cases, while maize ear has many grains with exposed fruit cases"

Photo and Subtext credit to Yang, C.J., Samayoa, L.F., Bradbury, P.J., Olukolu, B.A., Xue, W., York, A.M. et al. (2019) The genetic architecture of teosinte catalyzed and constrained maize domestication. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 116, 56435652.

Types of Maize

Description of a few varieties of corn and where they are found.

Photo credits to CropForLife (October 18, 2022) Maize: Multipurpose Edible Grain (Explained). Retrieved from


Corn Pollination

A visualization of how Maize pollinates. 

Photo credits to CropForLife (October 18, 2022) Maize: Multipurpose Edible Grain (Explained). Retrieved from


Fig. 2

Map of the consumption of Maize in the world published in 2021

Geography of maize production (estimated M kcal energy produced by maize per pixel, ca 10 × 10 km2).

Photo Credits to Erenstein, O., Jaleta, M., Sonder, K. et al. Global maize production, consumption and trade: trends and R&D implications. Food Sec. 14, 1295–1319 (2022).

*Geography of maize production (estimated M kcal energy produced by maize per pixel, ca 10 × 10 km2). Source: Authors, using SPAM 2010 and other sources



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